The officer's dirk of the Investigative Committee
The officer's dirk of the Investigative Committee
The officer's dirk of the Investigative Committee
The officer's dirk of the Investigative Committee
The officer's dirk of the Investigative Committee
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The officer's dirk of the Investigative Committee

The officer's dirk of the Investigative Committee

Pre-order onlyСроки изготовления:
2-3 рабочих недели
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  • This model dagger is a gift item not related to melee weapons, but completely stylized like the original. Meets the requirements of GOST R 51715-2001 "decorative and souvenir Products similar in external structure to cold throwing weapons".

    The product comes with a scabbard made of plastic and brass, and a passport.

    In addition to the Dirk offer to purchase jewelry Box gift

    • Blade steel tipe65x13
    • Lengtn blade (os)205 mm
    • Witdth blade (os)15 mm
    • Толщина клинка3.5 mm
    • Lengtn handle (os) 102 mm
    • Hardness (HRC)25
    • Product weight, gram320
    • SheathPlastic, brass
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