Set of 5 knives Chef, steel X12MF combined acrylic on a rotating stand
Set of 5 knives Chef, steel X12MF combined acrylic on a rotating stand
Set of 5 knives Chef, steel X12MF combined acrylic on a rotating stand
Set of 5 knives Chef, steel X12MF combined acrylic on a rotating stand
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Set of 5 knives Chef, steel X12MF combined acrylic on a rotating stand

Set of 5 knives Chef, steel X12MF combined acrylic on a rotating stand

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2-3 рабочих недели
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  • The set of kitchen knives includes five universal models for working in the kitchen. The set is complemented by a rotating stand. By purchasing Chef knives in this set, you will undoubtedly make a bargain. Savings will be more than 20%. At the request of the client, the products and their quantity in the set can be replaced by any presented in the catalog.

    • Blade steel tipeh12MF
    • Материал рукоятиАкрил
    • Толщина клинка1.9 mm
    • Hardness (HRC)64
    • КонструкцияФиксированные
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