Knife Chef No. 1 steel H12MF handle acrylic blue
Knife Chef No. 1 steel H12MF handle acrylic blue
Knife Chef No. 1 steel H12MF handle acrylic blue
Knife Chef No. 1 steel H12MF handle acrylic blue
Knife Chef No. 1 steel H12MF handle acrylic blue
* Возможны незначительные отличия от фото (рисунок на лезвии/рукояти).

Knife Chef No. 1 steel H12MF handle acrylic blue

Knife Chef No. 1 steel H12MF handle acrylic blue

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  • A vegetable knife is used for curly cutting fruits and vegetables, as well as removing the skin from them. Ideal for peeling potatoes. The handle made of artificial material makes it resistant to the influence of substances from the environment (blood, fruit acids, fat, etc.).

    Changing the dimensions of the knife is possible within the framework of certification documents. It is possible to manufacture a knife in a different modification (changing the material of the handle and / or blade steel), only from the materials presented on the site, in agreement with the manager. A product with a modified modification is classified as “non-standard” and is subject to prepayment (see payment methods here) in the amount of 40% to 100%.

    Individual engraving on the knife is made only after 100% prepayment for the service.

    Delivery of products of the Nazarov Forge is carried out all over the World. More details on the "Delivery" page.

    • Blade steel tipeh12MF
    • Материал рукоятиАкрил
    • Lengtn blade (os)90 mm
    • Witdth blade (os)28 mm
    • Толщина клинка1.6 mm
    • Lengtn handle (os) 103 mm
    • Hardness (HRC)61-62
    • Product weight, gram120
    • Цвет рукоятиСиний
    • КонструкцияФиксированные
    • SheathLeather
    5.0 / 5
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    Reviews2 reviews
    May 25, 2022 10:16
    January 12, 2022 13:26

    В видеоматериале представлено похожее изделие. Может отличаться по некоторым параметрам.

    В видеоматериале представлено похожее изделие. Может отличаться по некоторым параметрам.

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