Boxes for knives

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The box for the NKVD folding finca
The box for the NKVD folding finca
SKU: 11296-1 Pre-order only
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Casket 2
Casket 2
SKU: 2099-1 Pre-order only
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The box is two-tiered
The box is two-tiered
SKU: 11433-1 Pre-order only
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Small box
Small box
SKU: 10559-1 Pre-order only
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Box 4
Box 4
SKU: 2100-1 Pre-order only
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A box for the NKVD Finks
A box for the NKVD Finks
SKU: 11561-1 Pre-order only
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The knife case is large
The knife case is large
SKU: 8417-1 Pre-order only
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The box for the NKVD finks 2
The box for the NKVD finks 2
SKU: 11562-1 Pre-order only
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Small knife case
Small knife case
SKU: 8416-1 Pre-order only
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